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Volume 4 / Issue 1
[gris]June 2008[/gris]
The Filiation
[gris]ISSN 1553-5053[/gris]


Considerations on the restitution in situation.
This work uses, on the one hand, the text of a novel “The Deep End of the Ocean” (J. Mitchard) and on the other hand, a true case on the appropriation of children –the story of Mariana Zaffaroni, in order to develop two notions: filiation (that which comes from the parents who house a son) and that of parentality (the subjective decision of the child positioning himself as son of his parents). The separation of these two notions from the legal concept of filiation is essential in order to analyze its subjective dimension.
The work also distinguishes between two consequences of appropriation. When the child is stolen, that is to say, when the father is robbed, - there is an attack attempt on filiation. At the same time, when parentality omits/leaves out robbery but keeps appropriation, a filiatory crime is committed with subjective consequences of magnitude for the one producing it.

[pp 11-25]

A father is robbed

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[pp 5-10]
Farce and fiction. Usurpation and paternity in the subjective constitution

[pp 11-25]
A father is robbed

[pp 26-36]
Montecristo: from the revenge to the responsibility of to (pro)create


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
