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Volume 7 / Issue 1
[gris]September 2011[/gris]
The analyst on the movies
[gris]ISSN 1553-5053[/gris]

Hannibal Lector, the character created by Thomas Harris, is a psychiatrist with psychopathic, cannibalistic characteristics. Despite these features, which would make him (a) despicable (character) from the moral point of view, the public actually feels certain empathy towards him. What reasons could there be for this? The article ventures a hypothesis which brings moral and ethical tension into play suggesting a possible path to rescue one of the most monstrous literary figures of all times.

Comment on "The silence of the Lambs" (J. Demme) and "Hannibal" (R. Scott)

Hannibal Lecter and the Lacanian analyst

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Comment on “Secretos de un alma” (G.W. Pabst)
Geheimnisse einer Seele and the cinematic representation of the analyst

Transference love seen through the cinema and paintings: Freud, Hitchcock, Dali

Spellbound: formula to conjure a spell as of psychoanalytical enchantment

Comment in “Don’t say a word”
Not a word... a letter

Comment on "The silence of the Lambs" (J. Demme) and "Hannibal" (R. Scott)
Hannibal Lecter and the Lacanian analyst

Comment on "El silencio de los inocentes" (J. Demme) y "Hannibal" (R. Scott)
Moral and ethics in Hannibal Lecter


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
