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Volume 5 / Issue 1
[gris]September 2009[/gris]
Bioethics and Biopolitics
[gris]ISSN 1553-5053


We’ll Intend to inquire about the history context, making an emphasize in the discursive conditions of the moment in which the term “bioethics” has been used for the first time. Is in the Germany between wars when the religious Fritz Jahr, supported in kantian imperatives, appealed to men’s responsibility in preservation of the united of living. We’ll work with a cutting of a Tomas Mann novel, “The magic mountain” and with the central ideas from Giorgio Agamben’s text, “The open. The men and the animal”, so as to question the epoch subjectivity.

Key words:
Ethics Bioethics Biopolitics Subjectivity

[pp 21-26]

The debate on the term "bioethics", analyzed in a historical and discursive context

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[pp 4-11]
Fritz Jahr and the Zeitgeist of Bioethics

[pp 12-20]
Subjective implications involved in the field of scientific research: Responsibility as portrayed in the film “Copenhagen”.

[pp 21-26]
The debate on the term "bioethics", analyzed in a historical and discursive context


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
