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Volume 7 / Issue 1
[gris]September 2011[/gris]
The analyst on the movies
[gris]ISSN 1553-5053[/gris]

Comment on “Secretos de un alma” (G.W. Pabst)
Geheimnisse einer Seele and the cinematic representation of the analyst

Transference love seen through the cinema and paintings: Freud, Hitchcock, Dali

Spellbound: formula to conjure a spell as of psychoanalytical enchantment

Comment in “Don’t say a word”
Not a word... a letter

Comment on "The silence of the Lambs" (J. Demme) and "Hannibal" (R. Scott)
Hannibal Lecter and the Lacanian analyst

Comment on "El silencio de los inocentes" (J. Demme) y "Hannibal" (R. Scott)
Moral and ethics in Hannibal Lecter

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Current Issue
Volume 20 / Issue 2

Between Human Rights, Politics and Clinic
Noelle Resende 

Against dehumanization, mapping wandering, embracing difference
Derek Humphreys 

In the absence of our senses
Marina Vidal-Naquet 

Lines, Maps and Cameras:
Marlon Miguel 

Put life into action:
Marlon Miguel 

The seventh face of the die
Fernand Deligny 

Bertrand Ogilvie 

Ethics and resonance
Ignacio Trovato 

Psychotherapy in Situations of Exclusion:


aesthethika // an international journal devoted to the interdisciplinary study and research of subjectivity, politics and arts
