ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   abril de 2024 Visitas:

Volume 10 / Issue 2
[gris]September 2014[/gris]
and reproductive technologies

[gris]ISSN 1553-5053[/gris]


In this paper, we address the issue of the “Surrogate Motherhood”, by analyzing the film “The Subrogacy Trap”. Using it as “empirical evidence” we analyze the complexity of the phenomenon and its impact on the two parties involved in a context that is that of a relationship regulated by the signing of a commercial contract: the “contracting parents”, and the “surrogate mother”. The action of the film opens up to us the possibility of questioning the impact of this particular practice on key human symbolic institutions, like the “maternal function”, and the “maternal desire”, but also over the bodies, the material and symbolic body of a person. We based our conclusions on the premise that the so called “Fertility Industry ” has the power to impact directly on them by establishing new kinds of subjectivities inside these symbolic institutions. Also, this same power tends to subdue the desiring bodies, transforming them into commodities, with the help of coercive technologies/tools, imposed from a logic that answers that of the global political-economy of our time, through his main agent: the consumer.

[marron]Keywords:[/marron] Surrogacy motherhood, Maternal Desire, Institution of subjectivities, Fertility Industry.

The Subrogacy Trap

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aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
