The author function differs from the scribe. As Bajtin remarks, this difference also exists in autobiographies. The survivor’s testimonial writings of any social catastrophe must also be included in this field. In this context, to develope notions of author and interpreter (closely related) demands to work through fiction. This fiction must be understood more like a complex assembled text than an illusory thing. The testimonial fictions, as this work intends to name it, are a montage built by language, making possible to situate the inexpressible of the horror experience. Interpreting these texts, oblige to not confuse this function from that of the historian, who gathers information of what has happened. It consists of interpreting the text itself and the author notion offered by that text.
Three articles, one by Jorge Semprum, and two by Laura Alcoba, situate this concept.
[marron]Keywords:[/marron] literature | language | psychoanalysis | totalitarianism