ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   octubre de 2024 Visitas:

Volume 8 / Issue 2
[gris]April 2013[/gris]
Bioethics before nazism.
Fritz Jahr: writings 1926-1933

[gris]ISSN 1553-5053[/gris]


In ‘Zwei ethische Grundprobleme in ihrem Gegensatz und in ihrer Vereinigung im sozialen Leben’ Jahr targets a rarely addressed issue in ethics: the conflict between egoism and altruism. In consequence of his Bioethics Imperative to recognize and to care for all forms of life, he has to recognize the struggle for life among various forms of life, humans, plants, animals, also within and between biotopes and natural and social environments, including nations, businesses, communities, institutions, and parties, - life forms in competition. He values both, altruism and egoism as natural properties and calls for reasonable and pragmatic use of both in a compassionate way of reasoning, feeling and acting. In coming close to review social organizations as living beings, having their own vision and goal for their life and success, he hints at new methods to analyze personal, social, professional and cultural interrelations in the workplace such as in hospital wards and offices, but also in clubs, parties, neighborhoods and churches.

[Abstract by Hans Martin Sass]

Egoism and altruism –two basic problems: opposition and alliance in social life [1929]

Zwei ethische Grundprobleme in ihrem Gegensatz und in ihrer Vereinigung im sozialen Leben

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Número Actual
Volumen 20 | Número 2
La actualidad de Fernand Deligny en las practicas contemporáneas
Derek Humphreys 

Líneas, mapas y cámaras:
Marlon Miguel 

Deligny: un pensamiento en acto
Bertrand Ogilvie 

A falta de nuestros sentidos
Marina Vidal-Naquet 

Poner la vida en obra
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Contra la deshumanización, cartografiar la errancia, acoger la diferencia
Derek Humphreys 

Entre Derechos Humanos, política y clínica
Noelle Resende 

La séptima cara del dado
Fernand Deligny 

La ética y la resonancia
Ignacio Trovato 

La psicoterapia en situaciones de exclusión:
Martín Lamadrid; Derek Humphreys 

Reseña de libro
Etnia singular
Marta Sipes 


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
