ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   abril de 2024 Visitas:

Volume 18 / Issue 1
June 2022
New Amsterdam
ISSN 1553-5053


According to Gérard Wajcman (2010; 2019), there is a correspondence between television series and the position of the analyst, since the series interpret the world. The Good Doctor and New Amsterdam, to address our object of study: gender identity change in adolescence. In both fictional scenarios, the same dilemma is addressed: transgender adolescents who request a sex reassignment surgery. There will be three edges to be explored on this issue: the (non) sexual identity - the self and subject of the unconscious - the Other as a community of enjoyment. For this, contributions from Psychoanalysis will be taken into consideration in dialogue with the Theory of queer performativity and the regulations in force in Argentina. The clinical reading of the "form-series" is, then, a novel and precise methodological resource for the treatment of current symptoms from the perspective of subjectivity.

Key words: form-series | identity | queer | adolescence

Gender Identity Change in Adolescence

What Does the Form-Series Teach Us?

Universidad de Buenos Aires

This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: El cambio de identidad de género en la adolescencia

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Número Actual
Volumen 20 / Número 1
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Alejandro Ariel, enamorado del cine
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La responsabilidad de ser padre
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La responsabilidad frente a la hipnosis
Old Boy
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Pierrepoint: El verdugo y la posición del analista
El último verdugo
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De la ética deliberativa a la decisión en acto
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La decisión imposible
La decisión de Sophie
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Criar una hija, crear una obra: la responsabilidad de ser madre
El cisne negro
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Justicia, verdad, libre albedrío
88 minutos
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Black Mirror: The National Anthem
Black Mirror
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Anexo I
Moral y Ética
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Anexo II
La responsabilidad ante el aborto
Alejandro Ariel 


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
