ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   abril de 2024 Visitas:

Volume 10 / Issue 2
[gris]September 2014[/gris]
and reproductive technologies

[gris]ISSN 1553-5053[/gris]


The treatment of human bodies presents an additional complexity regarding the use of technology. We will take Prometheus and Epimetheus myth referred by Plato in Protagoras (320d-322d), which presumes a lacking human being respect to other animal species. That is why the téchne needs to be articulated to some kind of practical wisdom in order to offset the human being’s lack, but avoiding, at the same time, the destruction of the species. Such a dangerousness is also displayed by Sophocles at the ‘Praise of man’ of Antigone (vv. 332-375). Both antique texts are current and allow us to revise them on the background of scientific progress in the area of reprogenetics.

[marron]Keywords:[/marron] reprogenetics, assisted fertilization, techniques, desire

Wonderful creature, unique in the world

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Número Actual
Volumen 20 / Número 1
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Anexo I
Moral y Ética
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Anexo II
La responsabilidad ante el aborto
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aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
