ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   octubre de 2024 Visitas:

Volume 13 / Issue 2
September 2017
Nuremberg 70 years after
ISSN 1553-5053


This letter was written by José Nun in November 1968. It was his public response to the objections raised by other researchers concerning the ethical standards with which he had conducted the Social Marginalization Project. Fifty years have passed since José Nun carried out said study. This letter was first published by Casa de las Americas in 1971, and is still today a key reference concerning the issue of research integrity. In fact, it could be argued this is one of the first documents that addressed research integrity in social sciences within the Latin-American context. In many respects, the ethical considerations taken by José Nun for conducting the study (autonomy, independence, proper data handling, among others) match the guidelines established by Ethics Committees nowadays.

[marron]Keywords:[/marron] social marginalization | funding | integrity | ethics

Revisiting the Social Marginalizacion Project 50 years later: letter to Sociology students

This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: A 50 años del Proyecto de Marginalidad: carta a los estudiantes de Sociología

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Número Actual
Volumen 20 | Número 2
La actualidad de Fernand Deligny en las practicas contemporáneas
Derek Humphreys 

Líneas, mapas y cámaras:
Marlon Miguel 

Deligny: un pensamiento en acto
Bertrand Ogilvie 

A falta de nuestros sentidos
Marina Vidal-Naquet 

Poner la vida en obra
Marlon Miguel 

Contra la deshumanización, cartografiar la errancia, acoger la diferencia
Derek Humphreys 

Entre Derechos Humanos, política y clínica
Noelle Resende 

La séptima cara del dado
Fernand Deligny 

La ética y la resonancia
Ignacio Trovato 

La psicoterapia en situaciones de exclusión:
Derek Humphreys 
Martín Lamadrid 

Reseña de libro
Etnia singular
Marta Sipes 


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
