ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   octubre de 2024 Visitas:

Special Issue
March 2019

ISSN 1553-5053


The present article addresses the historical and social interweaving underlying the conception of women’s sexuality, based on the analysis of the television series The Handmaid’s Tale (Miller, 2017). We intend to interrogate the category "non-women" shown in the series, referring to those who do not conform to the moral parameters that the regime imposes: they are the lesbians, the prostitutes and the infertile ones. To what extent are the underlying values of this kind still continuing today? What does femininity mean today? In what ways has the conception of sexuality changed throughout history? We highlight the importance of visualizing the various discursive networks that are involved and the effects that the exercise of the power of the patriarchy of coercion has on subjectivity.

[marron]Keywords:[/marron] Sexuality | Homosexuality | Femininity | Psychoanalysis

The Handmaid’s Tale: Different discursive frameworks around the sexuality of women and current problems

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Número Actual
Volumen 20 | Número 2
La actualidad de Fernand Deligny en las practicas contemporáneas
Derek Humphreys 

Líneas, mapas y cámaras:
Marlon Miguel 

Deligny: un pensamiento en acto
Bertrand Ogilvie 

A falta de nuestros sentidos
Marina Vidal-Naquet 

Poner la vida en obra
Marlon Miguel 

Contra la deshumanización, cartografiar la errancia, acoger la diferencia
Derek Humphreys 

Entre Derechos Humanos, política y clínica
Noelle Resende 

La séptima cara del dado
Fernand Deligny 

La ética y la resonancia
Ignacio Trovato 

La psicoterapia en situaciones de exclusión:
Derek Humphreys 
Martín Lamadrid 

Reseña de libro
Etnia singular
Marta Sipes 


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
