This paper was written as an introduction to a book entitled “Being-toward-sex”, which includes the contributions by Alenka Zupančič, Joan Copjec and Rithée Cevasco, about the contemporary debate concerning sexual difference.
Our purpose in this paper is to emphasize the incidence of the notion of body in such debate. The body is thus opened to the dialogue between the voice of philosophy and the voice of lacanian psychoanalysis, and also a third voice, that of feminism, defending the premises and concepts of gender theory, and particularly, the voice of its main precursor, Judith Butler. The red thread that links together the various arguments is the notion of sexed body, that is, the body affected by the sexual difference as a point of ontological impasse, which has been placed in the foreground by psychoanalysis.
[marron]Keywords:[/marron] body - sexual difference- gender- ontological impasse